Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Forget About It...

Hello everyone,

I have no fancy introductions today, or any funny stories to tell. Its a gloom day, a cloud day. You know, one of those days where you wake up late and feel like something's missing. Today I feel breakable, and perhaps already broken.

Lately this feeling has swept over me, and maybe it is the winter blues or the idea of not knowing what the future holds anymore. But I felt like I should write about it.

Loss. We all have experienced it, losing a friend, family member, moving to a new town, or just losing a fight for something. But loss is painful and scary.

This past week that pain and fear took me over more than ever when I was driving to work. I realized with loss comes a time when we forget, and that is even more scarier.

My grandmother died my senior year of high school, when I was 17. 4 years ago. I miss her a lot these days, because, although a simple woman, she was a woman of God and she experienced a lot and I feel like she would have some good advice for these days.

I realized while driving to work that I have forgotten her and our time together. I forgot how she loved us and how she took care of us. I forgot her laugh and all the things we did together, like watching Green Acres and I Love Lucy all day and driving to the mall and listening to Oldies on the radio and singing along. I forgot.

I guess what I'm getting at is that we all experience that loss in life, whatever it may be, but one thing we can not do is forget.

We can't forget to live and still embrace the loss. We can't forget to love and still reserve a place in our heart. We can't forget to laugh and only laugh more when we remember their laugh.

I watched Elizabethtown a couple nights ago, and the whole movie is about loss and losing the people who are the most important, and I noticed a line from the movie for the first time that really hit home.

Kirsten Dunst character said, "Sadness is easy because it's surrender, I say, make time to dance alone!"

Let us dance! Let us love! Let us embrace the loss and make much of the time we have!

So in light of that, I am gonna go crank up The Temptations and dance for MawMaw.


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